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Showing Collections: 91 - 100 of 131

Mark Sponenburgh papers

Identifier: WUA120

The Mark Sponenburgh papers include materials related to Sponenburgh’s careers as an artist, educator, and scholar from 1940-2017.

Dates: circa 1940-2017

Janette McCalley Stowell diary

 Collection — Box: 1
Identifier: WUA049

Janette Stowell’s diary details the everyday life of a wife and mother at the end of the nineteenth century and the beginning of the twentieth in Portland, Oregon and Sitka, Alaska.

Dates: 1890-1906

Suffrage Era Scrapbook

 Collection — Box: 1
Identifier: WUA029

The scrapbook contains poetry, comedic articles and satire, cartoons, articles about women's suffrage, and news bulletins about the 1918 Influenza pandemic.

Dates: 1918-1976; Majority of material found within 1918-1921

Lila V. Swafford papers

Identifier: WUA005

Materials relating to Lila V. Swafford’s academic career at Willamette University.

Dates: 1899-1939
A conversation with Hiroshi Takahasi, President, Tokyo International University. Interview conducted by Gunar Gunderson with Masaki Shimada and Hiroshi Takahashi during the alumni celebrations on September 17, 2015.
A conversation with Hiroshi Takahasi, Pres...

Tokyo International University of America collection

Identifier: WUA075

This collection includes gifts given to Willamette University by Tokyo International University, yearbooks for the American Studies Program, and oral histories and videos related to the relationship between Willamette University, Tokyo International University, and Tokyo International University of America.

Dates: 1973-2016

Edith Price Walford papers

Identifier: WUA055

The Edith Price Walford papers contain artwork, art supplies, and ephemera produced by Walford during her life.

Dates: 1936-1960

Waltz family papers

Identifier: WUA034

The collection contains correspondence, music books, Glee memorabilia, photographs, and other items connected with Willamette University and the Waltz family.

Dates: 1882-1942

Ruth West collection on Charles Heaney

Identifier: WUA081

This collection includes letters and calligraphy written by artist Charles Heaney to Ruth and Rex West. Also included are two paintings of Heaney's as well as exhibition notices and newspaper clippings featuring Heaney's work.

Dates: 1969-2005

Sybil Westenhouse Research papers on Oregon and the City of Salem

Identifier: WUA037

The Sybil Westenhouse collection covers the years 1810 to 2009 and documents her research on the history of Salem and Oregon.

Dates: 1810-2009

Dale Whitney papers

Identifier: WUA017

The Dale Whitney papers contain 35 mm negatives, photographic samples, test prints, and exhibition prints from Whitney's time as an overseas freelance photographer. Locations for these images include Austria, China, Greece, Italy, Korea, Oregon, and the Philippines. Also included is a collection of publications featuring Whitney's photography and reportage and her photographic equipment.

Dates: 1951-1999

Filter Results

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Salem (Or.) 66
Oregon 45
Fine Arts 43
Arts -- Northwest, Pacific 42
correspondence 37
∨ more
photographs 34
fine arts 31
Colleges and Universities 29
Portland (Or.) 26
Student Life 21
clippings (information artifacts) 17
Art -- Study and teaching 15
Art 14
fliers (printed matter) 13
scrapbooks 11
sketchbooks 11
Student activities 10
Politics and Politicians 9
black-and-white photographs 9
newspapers 9
Salem 8
Waller Hall (Willamette University) 8
color slides 8
paintings (visual works) 8
Eaton Hall (Willamette University) 7
color negatives 7
diaries 7
Lausanne Hall (Willamette University) 6
Native Americans 6
magazines (periodicals) 6
posters 6
International Relations 5
Missionaries 5
Oregon -- Politics and government -- 20th century 5
Photographs 5
Sports and Recreation 5
United States -- Politics and government -- 20th century 5
Washington 5
journals (accounts) 5
memorabilia 5
newsletters 5
political campaigns 5
Environmental protection -- Oregon (State) 4
Journalism 4
Legislators -- Oregon -- Archives 4
Military 4
Oregon State Capitol (Salem, Or. : 1938- ) 4
Political Campaigns 4
Religion 4
Students 4
Theater 4
World War, 1939-1945 4
color photographs 4
journals (periodicals) 4
China 3
Clubs and Societies 3
College of Music (Willamette University) 3
College publications 3
Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area (Or. and Wash.) 3
Community and college 3
Football 3
G. Herbert Smith Auditorium (Willamette University) 3
Kresge Theatre Playhouse (Willamette University) 3
M. Lee Pelton Theatre (Willamette University) 3
Oregon -- Politics and government 3
Performing Arts 3
Pioneers 3
Tokyo (Japan) 3
Women 3
Women artists 3
artists' materials 3
black-and-white negatives 3
mail art 3
manuscripts for publication 3
minutes (administrative records) 3
mural paintings 3
playbills 3
printed ephemera 3
Abortion -- Law and legislation -- United States 2
Advertising and Marketing 2
Antoinette and Mark O. Hatfield Fountain (Willamette University) 2
Architecture 2
Art Building (Willamette University) 2
Artist-run galleries 2
Athletic Field (Willamette University) 2
Basketball 2
Baxter Hall (Willamette University) 2
Belknap Hall (Willamette University) 2
Biology 2
Bishop Health Center (Willamette University) 2
Bishop Wellness Center (Willamette University) 2
Brazil 2
Bridal Veil (Or.) 2
Brown Field (Willamette University) 2
Chresto Cottage (Willamette University) 2
City planning 2
Civic Activism 2
Columbia River 2
Composition (Music) 2
Czechoslovakia 2
+ ∧ less
English 130
Czech 1
Dutch; Flemish 1
Portuguese 1
Willamette University 52
Hallie Ford Museum of Art 15
Hatfield, Mark O., 1922-2011 8
Packwood, Bob 6
Hull, Roger 5
∨ more
Johanson, George, 1928- 5
Oregon State University 5
Pacific Northwest College of Art 5
Portland Art Museum (Or.) 5
Tokyo International University 5
Clinton, Bill, 1946- 4
Hall, Carl, 1921-1996 4
Heaney, Charles, 1897-1981 4
Hull, Bonnie 4
Kimball School of Theology 4
Missal, Paul 4
Pander, Henk, 1937- 4
Salem Art Association (Salem, Or.) 4
Sandgren, Nelson 4
University of Oregon 4
Whitaker, George, 1836-1917 4
Widman, Harry, 1929-2014 4
Amos, Rex 3
Bartow, Rick, 1946-2016 3
Blackfish Gallery (Portland, Or.) 3
Blumenstiel, Helen 3
Bunce, Louis, 1907-1983 3
Cave, Claudia, 1951- 3
Clinton, Hillary Rodham 3
Coleman, John H. (John Hamline), 1847-1914 3
Dodson, Betty 3
Eyerly, Jack 3
Fountain Gallery of Art 3
Gilkey, Gordon 3
Goldschmidt, Neil E., 1940- 3
Hawley, Willis C. (Willis Chatman), 1864-1941 3
Izquierdo, Manuel, 1925-2009 3
Jamison Thomas Gallery 3
Jamison, William Robert, 1945-1995 3
Knopf, Carl Sumner, 1889-1942 3
Krause, LaVerne, 1924-1987 3
LaDuke, Betty 3
May, D. E., 1952- 3
McLarty, Jack, 1919-2011 3
Oregon Arts Commission 3
Oregonian (Firm) 3
Parsons, Eunice 3
Portland Art Association (Portland, Or.). Museum Art School 3
Reagan, Ronald 3
Sandgren, Olive 3
Smith, Denny, 1938- 3
Sponenburgh, Mark 3
Tokyo International University of America 3
Van Scoy, Thomas, 1848-1901 3
Waller, Alvan F., 1808- 3
Willamette University. Department of Athletics 3
Willamette University. Office of Student Activities 3
Willamette University. Office of the President 3
Willson, Chloe Aurelia Clarke, 1818-1874 3
Willson, William H., 1805-1856 3
Alpha Phi Delta Fraternity 2
Baxter, Bruce Richard 2
Boise, Reuben Patrick, Jr., 1859-1933 2
Booth, Robert A. 2
Bush, George, 1924- 2
Chemawa Indian School 2
Chemeketa Community College 2
Coghill, Linda 2
Cook, Frances Price, 1914-2014 2
Cramer, Tom 2
Cross, Travis (William Travis), 1927-2004 2
Douglas, Stella (Estella Jean), 1927-1993 2
Elsinore Theatre 2
Ferranto, Matt 2
Ford, Gerald R., 1913-2006 2
Fowler, Constance Edith, 1907-1996 2
Gatke, Robert Moulton, 1896-1968 2
Gingrich, Newt 2
Givler, William Hubert 2
Gore, Al, 1948- 2
Graves, Morris, 1910-2001 2
Griffin, Rachael, 1906-1983 2
Hall, Phyllis 2
Hardy, Tom, 1921- 2
Hatfield, Antoinette Kuzmanich 2
Heyser, Norma, 1933- 2
Homan, Fletcher P. 2
Hoover, Herbert, 1874-1964 2
Jacobson, Kenneth W., 1921-2015 2
Kelly, Lee, 1932- 2
Kopetski, Michael J., 1949- 2
Lambert, Charles Edward 2
Laura Russo Gallery 2
Lee, Jason, 1803-1845 2
Leslie, David, 1797-1869 2
Lincoln, Abraham, 1809-1865 2
Loy, Sandra 2
Luther, Chester F. (Chester Francis), 1906-1994 2
Matthews, James T., 1864-1942 2
Mattingley, James 2
+ ∧ less