Willamette University Campus Photograph collection
Identifier: WUA9999
A negative strip of a percussionist and two flautists in a Fine Arts Building classroom, undated
Digital Record
Identifier: a09022d9d60d05da785aa751d67d33a3d
A negative strip of a pianist, a violinist, and a cellist, undated
Digital Record
Identifier: 5d2a8bd04a0cc81f297526d437a40ab6d
A negative strip of a pianist, a violinist (Charles Heiden), and a cellist, undated
Digital Record
Identifier: 176a74d1692483613b11c78261437b22d
A negative strip of a pianist, a violinist (Charles Heiden), and a cellist, undated
Digital Record
Identifier: f0ade524df40a10f9e171ac3c3943761d
A negative strip of a pianist, a violinist (Charles Heiden), and a cellist, undated
Digital Record
Identifier: 94370a951e8788caf6eba807823af8b8d
A negative strip of a pianist, a violinist (Charles Heiden), and a cellist, undated
Digital Record
Identifier: 91ef4ac8187dabf24575e5ccc5283201d
A negative strip of a pianist, a violinist (Charles Heiden), and a cellist, undated
Digital Record
Identifier: 48395ac84e9030e5e86081ff6f3c600cd
A negative strip of a pianist and two others, undated
Digital Record
Identifier: 8399384012a747212f42c74ab38b57d6d
A negative strip of a pianist and violinist, undated
Digital Record
Identifier: a8fb9a58cf3017cb88a4589ce24fa77cd
A negative strip of a professor holding a flute and two students with a zither, undated
Digital Record
Identifier: 95e8c358c740c32dec7dd61e611a69b2d