Willamette University Campus Photograph collection
Identifier: WUA9999
Students work at tables in the library, 1948
Digital Record
Identifier: 4b9357ffa6129c244512ce4d40cb4c09d
Study carrels near newspaper section of the Atkinson Library, undated
Digital Record
Identifier: 76ffd670b1e02ad083e89b310ec4e15bd
Studying in a lounge area of the Mudd Building, circa late 1970s
Digital Record
Identifier: 64976273324f0a47d10ad80c6017cd7bd
Studying in Atkinson Library, undated
Digital Record
Identifier: b1a6a0e76297b3742c6d1755fddcb8bed
Studying in the University Library, 1980 April
Digital Record
Identifier: 991db93e18b3890e0bf46790d2bc3e79d
Studying in the University Library, 1981 September
Digital Record
Identifier: ecbb1add2aab829958b97869c0df3890d
Studying in the University Library, 1982
Digital Record
Identifier: cd0c69b42ac6321b71b851a565253770d
Studying in the University Library, 1982
Digital Record
Identifier: 2c96a561093255f0507ff2fd5ac37088d
Studying in the University Library, 1982
Digital Record
Identifier: 0c3e77453a6b678d9c00e02eeaa7e994d
Studying in the University Library, 1982
Digital Record
Identifier: eeecc3f92d8bba3cc77ac625fb961560d